Wednesday, March 31, 2010

March 31st

Sat in the kitchen watching it snow today. There's a drawing on the window that just happened to line up with the house behind Dan's, and it looks like a little dude is running around on the roof.

March 28th

Went on a 12 mile bike ride today, explored a bit of the downtown area...this church thing is on South Temple, and there was a homeless guy asleep on the grass about 20 feet to my left.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

March 26th

This is alot less food than it looks like. Pretty much the best thing in the world though. Vegan sausage, tofu, and potatoes all together. SO good, and probably one of my better ideas.

March 25

Manhattan Project. I'm really excited about how these turned out.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

March 21

Corbin getting some exercise. Cabin fever hit a little bit today, and he wanted to get out and do something. Unfortunately, his ride was cut short when a 12 year old girl on a skateboard called him a queer as we pedaled by. Maybe things like that are why he doesn't go outside much.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

March 14th

This was my Sunday. Friends, camera equipment, and vegan pancakes. Can't complain.

March 13th

These photos are from an assignment in my color theory class. Create an image that represents complementary colors against an interesting background, blah blah. Brianna is a champ for putting up with shitty weather and me generally being a pain in the ass in order to get a good photo.

March 11th

I think these are called "Mormon Bugs" and they are everywhere around the house. This little guy was on a mission, crawling around on the glass door in pursuit of...whatever Mormon bugs are into.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

March 8th

Broadway Calls at Kilby Court. This venue is pretty much just a garage in a back alley. The stage is about a foot high, and everyone was climbing over each other to sing along on the extra mic.
"Now I depend on my sense of adventure to get through all the rough times until we get back together."

Thursday, March 4, 2010

March 4th

TRAX train, 300 South and Main Street.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

March 2nd

"Corbin, let me use you as a focal point for a second. Sit down on the stairs."

Goddammit. I was playing around with the pocket wizards, shooting photos of Daniel, and all of a sudden I see this face in the viewfinder. How are you going to NOT take that photo?

I'm attempting to learn how to take people photos that don't look like band promos.
I think this is a decent attempt.

Dan's kitchen and dining room. Lit up with an on camera flash as well as a slave flash sitting on a chair out of view.

A bit more natural looking light, but the same technique. Moving to the left a little bit made the on camera flash bounce off the ceiling and light up the left side of the frame a lot better.

Monday, March 1, 2010

February 27th




Mosh warriors.