Friday, May 14, 2010

May 13th

Shelby Peterson. It's been a long, long time since I shot "traditional" photos like this, but I'm really happy with how this turned out.

May 12th.

Home for the first time in a while. This is where I'll be living until I can get my own cave somewhere. I actually am a pretty big fan of the pieces that got thrown up on the walls while I was gone.

The Rest of Tour, April 19-May 11th.

Virginia Beach, VA. This bulldog wasn't getting any attention, so he went on a rampage and ate everything he could fit between his jaws. I watched him gradually eat an entire couch cushion over the course of a day.

Jacksonville, Florida. The kids from California know how to hang out.

Georgia. The only tea I've ever had that can make Arizona Iced Tea look bad.

Memphis, TN. This guy made a guitar out of two broomsticks, a cigar box, and a couple strings, and was playing it while at the same time playing the drums with his feet. Probably one of the most impressive things I've ever seen.

We got stuck at a rest stop in Wyoming on our way home due to terrible snow and wind. This is what I woke up to when I tried looking out the window at 7 AM.